

Our new cat’s a robot
He really is a sight
No need to feed him Whiskas
We just plug him in at night

Faster than a speeding arrow
He beats the mice to every hole
Nothing’s safe from Supercat
Pigeon, rat or vole

Our new cat’s bionic
His miaow can shatter glass
He dug up next door’s gardent
Then started on someone’s path

The neighbours didn’t like him
So they looked in the catalogue
Clubbed together and ordered
A bionic Superdog

Now Rex is king of the Crescent
Poor Tom won’t leave the house
Won’t even play with his video game
He’s afraid to touch the mouse

Curled up next to his socket
With a soft, electric purr
Robocat’s a pussycat
When Robodog is there.

From Robocat. Published by Bloomsbury, 1998.