
1958 - 1969
First exhibition: Liverpool Academy Open, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
Five Painters (Adrian Henri, Henry Graham, Alan Wood, Don McKinlay, Anthony Collinge), Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool
Spring Exhibition, Cartwright Hall, Bradford
John Moores Liverpool Exhibition 3, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
Adrian Henri and Sam Walsh, Portal Gallery, London and Hope Hall, Liverpool
Pop Art, Midland Group, Nottingham (including work by Billy Apple, Peter Blake, Pauline Boty, David Hockney, Patrick Hughes, Roddy Maude-Roxby, Peter Phillips, Anna Teasdale, Sam Walsh)
New Images from the North, Hope Hall, Liverpool (organised by Adrian Henri for the Merseyside Arts Festival)
Open Exhibition, The Ulster Museum, Belfast
Arts Council of Northern Ireland £200 Prize winner
Industry and the Artist, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
John Moores Liverpool Exhibition 5, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool (Clement Greenberg was part of the jury that year)
John Moores Liverpool Exhibition 6, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
ICA Gallery, London (solo show).
New Institute Gallery, Birmingham (solo show)
Midland Group, Nottingham (solo show)
Poetry Posters, Brighton Festival and Fulham Gallery, London
Biennale della Giovane Pittura, Milan
Leeds Institute Gallery (solo show)

1970 - 1979
Aargh! The Spirit of the Comics, RCA Gallery, London
Peterloo Gallery, Manchester (solo show)
John Moores Liverpool Exhibition 8, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, 2nd prize winner
Pen as Pencil, International Culture Centre, Antwerp and Royal Library, Brussells
Communication, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
Demarco Gallery, Edinburgh
Five Realist Painters, Sunderland Arts Centre
Birthday Gardens, Academy Gallery, Liverpool (solo show)
John Moores Liverpool Exhibition 9, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
Williamson Art Gallery, Birkenhead (solo show)
The Face of Merseyside, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
Paintings and Drawings, 1960-1976, Wolverhampton Art Gallery (solo show)
Hedges, Gardens and Other Places, Art Net, London (solo show)
Photos: Debris poster/poem
Ibis Gallery, Leamington Spa (solo show)
Peter Moores, Real Life, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
100, A centenary exhibition for the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
Artists of the Wirral, Williamson Art Gallery, Birkenhead
Birkenhead Arts Association Purchase Prize
Hedges, Debris & Other Places, Bootle Art Gallery (solo show)
Debris, Richard Demarco Gallery, Edinburgh (solo show)
Liverpool Nude, Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool
John Moores Liverpool Exhibition 11, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
Milton Keynes Festival (commission for a painting and poem)
Bolton Festival (solo show)
Poste Restante, Liverpool Academy Gallery (Mail Art)
…A cold wind brushing the temple, exhibition of artworks purchased by George Melly for the Arts Council Collection. Touring show.
Adrian Henri, Vernon Gallery, Preston

1980 - 1989
Milton Keynes Festival (solo show)
100+, Senate House, University of Liverpool
John Moores Liverpool Exhibition 12, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
Art and the Sea, Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool and Mostyn Gallery, Llandudno
Selector of Summer Show 2, Serpentine Gallery, London
Murdoch Lothian Gallery, Liverpool (solo show)
Art and the Sea, ICA Gallery, London and UK tour
Artists against Apartheid, Seven Dials Gallery, London
City Visions: Urban Landscape in Britain 1951-82, Bolton Art Gallery
Fiftieth Birthday Choice for Edward Lucie-Smith, Leinster Fine Art, London
The Granada Collection, Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester
Contemporary Artists of the North West in the University Collection, Liverpool University
Merseyside Artists, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
Ellesmere Arts Centre, Shropshire (solo show)
Davey Gallery, Liverpool (solo show)
Merseyside Artists 2, Walker Art Gallery and tour
The Art of Adrian Henri 1955-1985, Retrospective exhibition, South Hill Park Arts Centre, Bracknell and touring to Camden Arts Centre and Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool (to 1987)
Famous Sons and Daughters, Rhyl Arts Centre
Two-man show with Sam Walsh, Hanover Gallery, Liverpool
Hanover Gallery, Liverpool (solo exhibition)
Shropshire Artworks, Telford
Merseyside Artists 3, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, and touring
Clean Irish Sea, an exhibition for Greenpeace, Dublin and touring to 1989
Artists of the Wirral, Williamson Art Gallery, Birkenhead
N.A.P.A., Liverpool
Recent Paintings, Skelmersdale Arts Centre (solo show)
John Moores Liverpool Exhibition 16, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
N.A.P.A., Newcastle, Staffordshire
A Northern School, Pelter/Sands Gallery, Bristol

1990 - 1999
N.A.P.A., Ludlow
The Poetry Society, London (solo show)
Artists of the World, Williamson Art Gallery, Birkenhead
Christmas Draw, Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool
Alternative Seventeen, Ainscough Gallery, Liverpool
Liverpool Seen, Williamson Art Gallery, Birkenhead
Wish You Were Here, Acorn Gallery, Liverpool (solo show)
Private Eye, Broekman Gallery, Chester
Orrell Arts Centre, Sefton (solo show)
Self-portraits, Bill Bingham, London
John Moores Liverpool Exhibition 18, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
N.A.P.A., Birmingham
Works on Paper 1955-1993, Southport Arts Centre (solo exhibtion)
Liverpool Link, Chelsea Arts Club, London
Bridewell Artists at Lloyds, Lloyds Liverpool
The Ones They Left Behind, Atkinson Gallery, Southport
Recent Paintings, The Storey Institute, Lancaster (solo show)
Merkmal Gallery, Liverpool (solo show)
John Moores University, Liverpool (with Julia Carter Preston)
N.A.P.A., Birmingham
The Academy Gallery, Liverpool
Bridewell Artists, Storey Institute, Lancaster and Ainscough Gallery, Liverpool
The Last Dance, Oriel Theatr Clwyd, Mold
Ainscough Gallery, Liverpool
Les Sixties: The Sixties in France and Great Britain 1960-1973, Musée d’Histoire Contemporaine, Paris (toured to Brighton in 1997)
Curator of The Doctor Duncan Artshow, Museum of Liverpool Life
Four Artists from Liverpool, Six Chapel Row Gallery, Bath
Pop & Protest. Adrian Henri, Art from the Sixties, Whitford Fine Art, London
Almost Edible, Six Chapel Row, Bath
Thanksgivings and Calaveras, University of Liverpool (solo show)
Home and Away, Stockport Art Gallery (solo show)
Thomas Zander Gallery, Cologne (solo show)
N.A.P.A., Birmingham (Fabriano Prize)
Liverpool Academy of Arts (with Don McKinlay)

2000 - Now
Retrospective Exhibition, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
Ubu in UK, The Mayor Gallery, London
Adrian Henri, Museum and Arts Centre, Rhyl (solo show)
Adrian Henri, Merkmal Gallery, Liverpool (solo show)
Adrian Henri, Greenfish Gallery, Liverpool (solo show)
Painters Abroad, Six Chapel Row, Bath
Retrospective exhibition, Williamson Art Gallery, Birkenhead
Six Chapel Row, Bath
Liverpool Artists Past & Present, L.Issue Gallery, Liverpool
Adrian Henri, Works on Paper, Cornerstone Gallery, Liverpool (solo show)
Summer of Love, Tate Gallery, Liverpool
Cover of the Tate catalogue
Adrian Henri, Keele University Art Gallery (solo show)
Centre of the Creative Universe, Tate Gallery, Liverpool
Pop Art, Wolverhampton Art Gallery
Cover of the Tate catalogue + leaflet for the Keele exhibition
Adrian Henri: Liverpool/New York/Liverpool, Hope University, Liverpool (solo show)
Meat and Flowers, Slaughterhouse Gallery, Liverpool (solo show)
Leaflet of Hope University
The Mersey Sound, Victoria Gallery, Liverpool
Under the Volcano, Malcolm Lowry centenary exhibition, Bluecoat Arts Centre, Liverpool
Catalogue cover + leaflets
Installation shots from the Victoria Gallery
Installation shot at the Bluecoat
Honky Tonk, Bluecoat Art Centre, Liverpool
Museum of Liverpool, NML
Adrian Henri: Ten Years, Chelsea Arts Club, London (solo show)
Democratic Promenade, Bluecoat Art Centre, Liverpool