New York City Blues
(for John Lennon)
You do not cross the road
To step into immortality
An empty street is only the beginning
The words will still flow through you
Even on this cold pavement,
Are heard in some far place
Remote from flowers or flash-bulbs.
In that city, on Gothic railings
Dark against the snowy park
Still a dead flower, a faded letter,
Already one month old.
“Life is what happens to you
When you're busy making other plans,”
This empty street
Is only the beginning.
Here, in your other city,
Riot vans prowl the December dark,
Remember angry embers of summer,
Familiar ghost guitars echo from stucco terraces.
Meanwhile, in the Valley of Indecision,
We rehearse stale words, store up expected songs,
Celebrate sad anniversaries.
Flowers and flash-bulbs. Cold pavements.
You do not cross the road
To step into immortality
At the dark end of the street
Waits the inevitable stranger.
from Selected and Unpublished, Poems 1965-2000. Published by Liverpool University Press 2007.